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IDR 3,500,000 - IDR 4,000,000

Job Highlights

  • Commision

  • Rewards

  • BPJS

Job Description

Job Responsibilities:

  • Mencari dan melayani customer
  • Memonitoring penjualan dan pembayaran customer

Job Requirements:

  • Min SMA/ Fresh Graduate
  • Domisili Medan
  • Terampil berkomunikasi
  • Memiliki kendaraan pribadi
  • Semangat, aktif, kreatif, bertanggung jawab dan mau belajar.
  • Mampu bekerjasama dalam tim
  • Jujur, menyukai tantangan dan bekerja dalam target
  • Bersedia dinas keluar kota

PT. FRIWOL TEKNOLOGI INDONESIA is a computer and handphone accessories company that was established in 2018. We have a solid team, high integrity and is dedicated. We also guarantees customer satisfaction and provides the best quality and service.


Become one of the leading companies in Indonesia and uphold the value of decency.


1. Building strong, superior, and dignified human resources.

2. Implementing good and correct business governance.

3. Optimize company value, contribution and responsibility.

Apply Now


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